Founded in 2007, the Fenton Winery & Brewery is a destination location with many amenities including the Dream Machine Distillery.  The award winning and innovative microbrewery, winery, and distillery is located on the north end of Fenton, MI in the Township.  The 5 acre property includes a public taproom, a dog friendly outdoor seating area, a separate full service wedding and banquet venue, a retail area for carry-out, and a park-like garden area for outdoor seating, lawn gaming, ceremonies, and gatherings of any size.  Fenton Winery & Brewery strives to strike balance in producing wine, beer, and spirits with equal intensity and quality.

The Dream Team

Timeline Events

Fenton Winery is established!

The idea for the Fenton Winery is born and officially incorporated by Ginny & Matt Sherrow.

Fenton Winery opens its doors to the public!

After 7 months of blood, sweat and tears, the Fenton Winery officially opens its doors to the public! We started in a strip mall location with about 2100 sqft of space, all renovated by ourselves and a host of great friends and family.

Fenton Winery officially becomes the Fenton Winery & Brewery

We officially became the Fenton Winery & Brewery when our microbrewery addition was approved. We've proudly been representing the letters "F", "W" and "B" ever since!

"Entrepreneurs of the Year"

Ginny & Matt win "Entrepreneurs of the Year" from the Fenton Chamber of Commerce.

FWB's current location is purchased.

Ginny & Matt close on the purchase of FWB's current home, known at the time as "FWB North"

New 7bbl brewery

New Brewery System Arrives

This represented a major increase in our production capacity and represented the fact that we were "growing up".

FWB's current location officially opens to the public.

We finished renovations at our current location and moved out of our strip mall beginnings.

We host our first wedding in the Banquet Hall!

Little did we know at the time that this would be the first of 100's! We love being a part of everyone's story!

FWB wins "Enterprise of the Year" award from the Fenton and Linden Regional Chamber of Commerce.

This is an award for creating a landmark presence in the area, demonstrating community involvement and adhering to excellence in business practices. We are deeply honored to be among so many other great Enterprise businesses in the area.

"50 Companies to Watch"

FWB wins the prestigious "50 Companies to Watch" from Michigan Celebrates Small Business!

The Dream Machine cocktail bar opens!

The cocktail bar opening represents the culmination of almost 2 years of work getting the distillery ready.

Our Purpose

We want to be a part of YOUR story.

Our values



We are a TEAM

Our Team

Our team consists of hospitality professionals from a diverse background who strive to bring you a truly crafted experience every time you visit.

Matt Sherrow - owner

Matt Sherrow


Ginny Sherrow, Founder/Co-owner Fenton Winery & Brewery

Ginny Sherrow


Dan Kirby - Director of Operations

Dan Kirby

Director of Operations

Chris Koskinen

Chris Koskinen

Executive Chef

Randy Alexander

Randy Alexander

Production Manager

Oliver Hackney - Operations Manager

Oliver Hackney

Operations Manager

Cindy Koerber - Taproom Manager

Cindy Koerber

Taproom Manager

Riley Robbins - Banquet & Event Coordinator

Riley Robbins

Booking & Event Coordinator

Robin Wolinan - Banquet & Event Coordinator

Robin Wolanin

Booking & Event Coordinator

Sam Trelfa, assistant kitchen manager

Samantha Trelfa

Assistant Kitchen Manager

John Mischi - Production Member

John Mischi

Production Member

Fenton Winery & Brewery Jonathan Lahoud

Jonathan Lahoud

Assistant Taproom Manager

Gina Porreca - Venue Coordinator

Gina Porreca

Venue Coordinator

Brew Dog Hans 2008-2024

Hans’ Story. In 2012, a kind person called the authorities; they heard whimpering inside a shed. Inside this shed, located adjacent to a vacated home in a suburb of Detroit, they discovered a male German shepherd, a female and a litter of puppies.  The dogs had been locked in the shed and delivered the litter while trapped; the puppies were about 2 weeks old. Hans weighed in at 60 pounds, his teeth & nails were ground down and chipped from trying to escape and he was severely sick with heartworms. Hans, mother and puppies were picked up by Adopt-a-Pet Fenton volunteers and the healing began. 

 Coughing, bones showing and seriously ill, Hans needed fostering and treatment.  It was love at first sight for Ginny and so they fostered him immediately.  As soon as Hans had gained some weight, intense treatment for heartworms began.  He had to receive arsenic injections in the spine - it was horrific, and to this day he trembles whenever he enters a room with kennels (vet, groomer, doggie daycares…). 3 months of treatment later with a clean bill of health, The Sherrow's got to adopt Hans! His mate and all the puppies were also adopted into loving homes!

Hans enjoyed coming into work at Fenton Winery & Brewery for nearly 12 years. He enjoyed chasing butterflies in the garden, overseeing yard work, greeting guests, attending team meetings, and holding down his bed in the office. He was the most loyal, loving family member to Ginny, Matt and their sons. His regenerating "red ball" gave him many hours of joy along with playing soccer with the boys. He took his responsibility of protecting and looking over his family serious. He truly enjoyed attending offsite events where his beer was featured! We honor his memory and contribution to FWB by donating proceeds to Adopt-a-Pet Fenton. The next time you are in make sure to toast a Hans' Golden Tripel!

Fenton Winery & Brewery Brewdog Hans